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Menorcan products of Embutidos Menorca

Showed 8 products of 8

Sobrasada de Menorca Black Label El Paladar

Embutidos Menorca


BLACK LABEL SOBRASADA palate. Menorcan craft sobrassada white pig, thinner and less spicy than Majorca. Black Label El Paladar.

32 Reviews

Carn i Xua black label

Embutidos Menorca


Typical Menorca sausage made with pork and cured later.

12 Reviews

Sobrasada de Menorca Poltru Raima

Embutidos Menorca


SOBRASADA POLTRU RAIMA. A traditional and artisanal sausage. A treat for the palate. Sausage typical of traditional pig slaughter

11 Reviews

Sobrasada Clásica Elaborada en Menorca 380gr. aprox.

Embutidos Menorca


Delicioso embutido menorquín, prueba nuestra sobrasada más clásica de la isla menorquina elaborada de forma tradicional.

1 Review

Spicy sausage taco vacuum Poltru

Embutidos Menorca


The spicy sausage, is typical Menorca sausage made with pork meat Minorcan. Sobrassada 'poltrÏ' is larger in size embedded in a blind gut, your healing time is longer thus favoring more fat loss ...

14 Reviews

ButifarrÑ Blanc Sa Muradeta

Embutidos Menorca


Menorca delicious typical white butifarrÑ. Inlay white, natural and cooked tripe. the same mass as to make the camot is used. Made with soft tissue and sanguinoses pork blood, salt and spices.

3 Reviews

Butifarro negre Sa Muradeta

Embutidos Menorca


Appetizing Butifarro negre Sa Muradeta typical of Menorca. Inlay black, natural and cooked tripe. the same mass as to make the camot is used. Made with soft tissue and sanguinoses pork blood, salt and spices.

1 Review

Cuixot Ciutadella Sa Muradeta

Embutidos Menorca


Rico typical of the island of Menorca sausage. Camot or cuixot in Ciutadella, is a black and very greasy cooked sausage, almost equal to Mallorca camaiot but with a smaller grain.

6 Reviews

Peso2,285 Kg. aprox.
Tiempo de carga: 0.435 segundos