Ham of Bellota 100% Ibérico D.O. Lazo 8.5Kg. aprox.
- Sku 005005
Ham of Bellota 100% Ibérico D.O. Lazo 8.5Kg. aprox.
Undoubtedly, the star product of Jamones Lazo is our authentic D.O Acorn Iberian Ham. Jamón de Huelva quality designation SUMMUM, from Iberian pigs fed exclusively on acorns during the montanera period in our pastures, try it, undoubtedly the best ham in the world.
No preservatives or dyes.
Undoubtedly the star product of Jamones Lazo is our authentic Iberian 100 × 100 acorn ham, coming only from Iberian pigs fed exclusively on acorns during the montanera period in our pastures, try it, undoubtedly the best ham in the world.
Iberian ham is an artisan product made today as others did centuries ago and considered by expert nutritionists as a healthy food. From the anatomical point of view, the ham is the piece coming from the hind limbs of the pigs, including all its musculoskeletal system and part of the oily skin that surrounds it.
Product: Acorn-fed Iberian Ham and Salt.
Commercial Designation: Bellota Jamón 100 × 100 Ibérico Lazo.
Designation of Quality D.O. Jabugo ham: Summum.
The Jamón de Huelva Protected Designation of Origin grants the SUMMUM quality designation to those hams and those that have reached a harmony in all their organoleptic qualities as well as a characteristic aromatic richness as a result of the confluence, on the one hand, of a greater racial purity of the Iberian pigs, of a diet during fattening exclusively with acorns and natural pastures in the pasture, of a greater age and of a traditional handling and, on the other hand, of a very slow elaboration in the unique natural microclimatic conditions of the villages of the Sierra de Huelva.
Category: ACORN
Raw Material: Acorn-fed Iberian Ham D.O. Jabugo ham quality designation SUMMUM
Composition: Iberian ham of acorn and salt.
The pigs that are slaughtered to obtain hams, shoulders and Iberian acorn loin are accompanied by the certification of breed (Iberian or pure Iberian) and food (acorn) issued by the inspecting entities of the Iberian standard.
After slaughtering and cutting, a 24-hour cooling chamber is carried out so that the product reaches the interior temperature between 0-7ºC, after which the profiling-classification-stringing-massage for bleeding and refrigeration continues for another 24 hours at Tª 0-7ºC. Salted in chamber system salted chambers / 0-4 ºC, 1 day for each kilo of weight of the piece. Washing of the pieces in the hams washing room. Post salted 3-7 ºC / 60-90 days. Natural drier 9-12 months. Wineries 10-18 months. Sunflower oil bath and butter.
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