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Salted Codfish Esqueixada 300g. approx.

Salted Codfish Esqueixada 300g. approx.

Crumbled Codfish Esqueixadas without thorns View more

  • Sku 059090

Salted cod Esqueixada

Crumbled Cod: Gadus Morhua
Raw material: Fresh
Origin: Faroe or Iceland

Cod comes mostly from the cold waters of the seas of Iceland, Faroe and Norway, where direct contact is maintained with the best producers of the three main countries of origin of our product. At the same time an optimal product is achieved, it contributes to the development of a sustainable and intelligent fishing that avoids aggressive capture methods with the seabed and that controls the number of catches of the raw material with which one works.


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Tiempo de carga: 0.615 segundos